I am sad to inform you I am going abroad for a week or so on a mission. A
top secret government mission. A government that may or may not be your government. All I can tell you is it or may not deal with
cryptozoology and
the picture above has absolutely nothing to do with it. I can tell you no more without endangering your life. Upon my return I will give my review of the greatest movie in recorded human history,
Transformers. Disregard the man behind the curtain.
I was wondering what happened to you and now this explains everything.... NOT! I hope your "secret mission" (right) isn't too dangerous and that you will be back with us in the blogsphere soon. Don't forget that the Bonez Crew also enjoys your participation. C ya' soon!
Dude, you don't answer your commentors? Guess you should turn the comments off then so people don't waste their time writing their thoughts on your posts.
Are you going to come up with some more Bonez materials soon? Your fans are asking about ya'. This secret mission sure took a lot out of you. Hope you recover soon and are back telling us about your immortal boredom.
Glad you made it through P.U.
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